Monday, 29 September 2014

The industrial Revolution

  • The industrial revolution began in Great Britain after 1750 then spread to the United States. All manufacturing was made by hand before this.


Industrial revolution  

  • coal was used in work houses and factories ,iron and steel, textiles and steam power were a few of the things made in the industrial revolution.

  • Canals, railways and roads were made. Canals for transport using horses to pull them until they made the combustion engine.



  •  in the workhouses were orphaned (children without parents) and abandoned children.
facts about the workhouse

  • 5am wake up
  • get washed under a freezing cold tap
  • ate out of a trough if bad
  • sweep yard
  • bash carpets in the infirmary
  • children were beaten with a stick for being naughty or for the govenors entertainment
  • workhouse school didn't teach much
  • slept in a box
  • said the lords prayer before dinner every day.

Dear diary
today is one of those monotomus days at the work house. First I woke up at my usual time (5.15 ) with the governor cracking his whip at us! we walked down the pidgin grey corridor to the yard to
wash under the freezing pump. I cant believe   it  was the middle of the winter and we still had to wash under, every one is terrified of that pump because people say at the winter it will start growing icicles and the governor will put ice in the tank . After we washed we walked down that same corridor to the dining room where 500 people sat in silence eating their broth. I sat down at a near by table and ate in silence  until suddenly a man who worked here grabbed at the short fat boy next too me by the collar and yanked him up! He accused him of  talking and laughing at something. The boy said nothing but he threw him over too a trough where 6 boys were sat there eating there breakfast. Well it didn't seem breakfast at all. All I want to do at the moment is get out of this horrible place even if I have too live on the street of the rest of my life It will be a lot better then here. But as sad as it is if they found you getting out the would lock you in a shed and beat you all week! 
Thomas aged 10  



  • Railways- Steam engines were invented to carry people and cargo across great Britain. problems were the pollution stopped cows from breeding and chickens won't lay eggs, the smoke got into peoples lungs from the factories as well. the engine sparks could burn down houses and explode!!! says the politicians. 

  •  before the industrial revolution people had to weave cotton and silk for hours and hours but luckily during the industrial revolution one of the machines that was invented was the spinning jenny which made life a lot easier to spin cotton.

  • since factories were made people started to mine for whatever they could find, this is where they found steal which they tested and found to be sturdy and started using it to make boats (bad idea) machines, factories out of steal and weapons. (Gatling made machine guns out of steal)

  • some inventors during the industrial revolution.
1800Alessandro Volta invented the battery.
1803John Dalton discovered the atom.
1806Humphry Davy invented arc lamp.
1835Henry Talbot invented photography.
1851Isaac Singer invented a sewing machine.
1862Richard Gatling patented the machine gun.
1866Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.
1866Gregor Mendel published his work on the laws of genetics.
1867Christopher Scholes invented the typewriter.
1886John Pemberton invented Coca Cola.
1900Sigmund Freud developed psychoanalysis.
1916Albert Einstein developed the general theory of relativity

1 comment:

  1. Tom, I am so impressed with the way you have chosen to present your learning log challenge! There is a wealth of information here and you have obviously done lots of learning outside the classroom too. I really enjoyed reading your account on the workhouse. Well done!
    Miss Smyth
